Club news

8 Apr 2020 by Adam Labancz

Firstly and most importantly, we hope that every player and their family members are safe and well during these unprecedented times.
Though the season just ended, the club management believes it’s important to plan ahead for next season – whenever it will start, considering current situation.
After a recent meeting, the club management would like to share the following updates:
Adam Labancz is stepping down as manager due to personal reasons, however will remain with the club and continue to support in a different capacity. Incoming manager is Gary Woodward – most of you already know Gary, please welcome him to the club!
Harry Gordon is stepping down as club secretary due to personal reasons, however we will surely see him around next season!
Tom Milnes is joining the management team and will be supporting Gary as assistant manager.

With all this, the management team for the 2020-21 season will look like this:

Craig Farrell – Chairman
Gary Woodward – Manager
Tom Milnes – Assistant Manager
Adam Labancz – Secretary
Frederic Kirby – Players’ Representative

We look forward to continue our journey
as a team and club, building on the success of last few seasons!

The players will receive a survey asking for their intent for next season – please reply as soon as you get this – it’s important to understand who we can count on and who has other plans.

We will also announce the plan for a season end do, once we see clearly when will life resume normal.

Stay safe, and can’t wait to meet everyone again!

The Management Team
Rose and Thistle Football Club

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